王进,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中国海洋湖沼学会海湖专业信息委员会委员,国家自然科学基金地学部函评专家,担任《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》、《Advances in Space Research》、《Journal of Coastal Research》、《International journal of Remote Sensing》等期刊审稿人。从事被动微波海洋遥感以及海洋气候基本数据集相关研究,为我国第一颗海洋动力环境卫星“HY-2A”开发了对流层校正算法模块,目前主要面向我国自主盐度遥感卫星开展相关信息提取算法研究。近年来主持各类纵向横向课题7项;以第一或通讯作者发表论文8篇,其中SCI论文6篇,参编专著2部;与国家卫星海洋应用中心、自然资源部第一海洋研究所、中科院海洋所等涉海科研单位开展合作研究。
(1) Jin Wang*, Weifu Sun,and Jie Zhang;Error Characterization of Satellite SSS Products Based on Extended Collocation Analysis, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 60, 2022.
(2)Wang Jin*; Sun Weifu; Zhang Jie; Sea Surface Salinity Products Validation based on Triple Match Method, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2019, 12(11): 4361-4366.
(3)Wang Jin*; Zhang Jie; Wang Jing; Sea surface wind speed retrieval under rain with the HY2 microwave radiometer, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2017, 36(7): 32-38.
(4)Wang Jin*; Zhang Jie; Wang Jing; Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval under Rain based on Aquarius Combined Active/Passive Observations, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(2): 367-374.
(5)Wang Jin; ZHANG Jie; FAN Chenqing; WANG Jing*; A new algorithm for sea-surface wind-speed retrieval based on the L-band radiometer onboard Aquarius, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2014, 33(5): 1115-1123
(6)Sun Weifu; Wang Jin*; ZHANG Jie; A new global gridded sea surface temperature product constructed from infrared and microwave radiometer data using the optimum interpolation method, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(9): 41-49.
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