


  • 作者:
  • 发布时间:2023-05-06
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李玲琪,女,理学博士,青岛大学卓越人才,硕士生导师。2020年于马克斯波恩非线性光学和超快光谱研究所(MBI)进行博士联合培养,导师Günter Steinmeyer教授。2021年毕业于山东大学物理学院,获光学博士学位,导师陈峰教授。专注于飞秒激光微纳加工、光波导器件特性与超快光学非线性的相关研究工作,涉及晶体材料改性、集成光学、导波光学与光通信等前沿研究领域。近年来在Advanced Photonics、Optics. Express、Journal of Lightwave Technology、Results in Physics、Scientific Reports等光学主流期刊发表论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金1项,山东省自然科学基金1项,授权国家发明专利1项。


  • 飞秒激光诱导晶体折射率及材料改性。

  • 飞秒激光直写晶体光波导及微纳结构制备。

  • 晶体波导激光及其有源波导器件。

  • 周期极化晶体光波导的非线性效应及频率转换器件。


  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,12204261,飞秒激光直写钕掺杂铝酸钇晶体光波导及其双波长激光产生,2023-01至2025-12,30万元,在研,主持。

  2. 山东省自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,ZR202111090104,飞秒激光直写Nd:YAP晶体光波导及其波导激光产生,2023-01至2025-12,15万元,在研,主持。


  1. L. Li, W. Kong, and F. Chen, Femtosecond laser-inscribed optical waveguides in dielectric crystals: a concise review and recent advances, Adv. Photonics 4(2), 024002 (2022). (IF:13.582)

  2. B. Zhang*, L. Li*, Qingming Lu, L. Wang, and F. Chen, Frequency doubling in PPLN depressed-cladding waveguides written by femtosecond laser, Opt. Mater. 125,112074 (2022).

  3. L. Li, Z. Li, W. Nie, Q. Lu, C. Romero, J. R. Vazquez de Aldana, and F. Chen, Femtosecond-laser-written S-curved Waveguide in Nd:YAP Crystal: Fabrication and Multi-gigahertz Lasing, J. Lightwave Technol. 38(24), 68456852 (2020).

  4. L. Li, B. Zhang, C. Romero, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, L. Wang, and F. Chen, Tunable violet radiation in a quasi-phase-matched periodically poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate waveguide by direct femtosecond laser writing, Results Phys. 19, 103373, (2020).

  5. L. Li, W. Nie, Z. Li, B. Zhang, L. Wang, P. Haro-González, D. Jaque, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, and F. Chen, Femtosecond Laser Writing of Optical Waveguides by Self-Induced Multiple Refocusing in LiTaO3 Crystal, J. Lightwave Technol. 37(14), 34523458 (2019).

  6. L. Li, C. Romero, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, L.Wang, Y. Tan, and F. Chen, Efficient quasi-phase-matching in fan-out PPSLT crystal waveguides by femtosecond laser direct writing, Opt. Express 27(25), 3687536885 (2019).

  7. L. Li, W. Nie, Z. Li, C. Romero, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, and F. Chen, Laser-writing of ring-shaped waveguides in BGO crystal for telecommunication band, Opt. Express 25(20), 242362424 (2017).

  8. L. Li, W. Nie, Z. Li, Q. Lu, C. Romero, J. R. Vázquez de Aldana, and F. Chen, All-laser-micromachining of ridge waveguides in LiNbO3 crystal for mid-infrared band applications, Sci. Rep. 7, 7034 (2017).

  9. L. Li, L. Wang, X. Zhang, and F. Chen, Type I phase matching in thin film of lithium niobate on insulator, Results Phys. 16, 103011, (2020).

  10. B. Zhang, L. Li, B. Wu, H. Liu, P. Wu, Lei Wang, and Feng Chen, Femtosecond laser inscribed novel polarization beam splitters based on tailored waveguide configurations, J. Lightwave Technol. 39, 14381443 (2020).

  11. J. Wu, Y. Zhang, L. Li, Y. Ren, Q. Lu, L. Wang, and F. Chen, Raman spectra study on modifications of BK7 glass induced by 1030-nm and 515-nm femtosecond laser, Results Phys. 21, 103814, (2021).

  12. B. Zhang, Z. Li, L. Li, Q. Lu, L. Wang and F. Chen, Nonlinear waveguides by femtosecond laser writing of lithium triborate crystals, J. Opt. 24 074006 (2022).


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